Dark Sky Friendly Certification Scheme
Our goal is to create a dark sky community in the Mackenzie Region where everyone is committed to reducing light pollution, to protect our famous dark skies as well as the wellbeing of our people, flora, and fauna.
To help protect the Mackenzie’s dark skies from the harmful effects of light pollution, commercial enterprises and private residences inside the reserve are invited to apply for dark sky friendly certification.
You'll need to state how closely your home or business complies with the seven clauses of the Dark Sky Friendly Charter, as well as list all exterior lights on the property. Compliance with most of the seven dark sky friendly clauses will be required, as well as a lighting plan to improve any deficiencies over time.
See below for more information, or to apply, please email office@darkskyreserve.org.nz.
If you are unable to join the dark sky friendly scheme and wish to contribute, you can donate to our non-profit organisation. Please email office@darkskyreserve.org.nz for more information.

Our Charter
1. Use outdoor lighting responsibly - only light what you need, as bright as you need it, when you need it.
2. Ensure any new light fittings you install are fully shielded, lighting only downwards and not upwards or to the side.
3. Use energy-efficient bulbs. Use the minimum wattage you need, and minimise the number of lights you install.
4. Choose warm yellow-white bulbs for replacements, with a colour temperature of no greater than 3000 K. Use orange (2200 K) lamps if available. Avoid harsh blue-white bulbs (4000 K or greater).
5. Don’t leave lights on when not needed. You should fit a timer or motion sensor so that lights are only on when needed. Exterior lights should be off between 11pm and 5am, and ideally from 10pm to dawn.
6. Constant lighting tends to help criminals rather than deter them. If you need security lights fit a motion sensor so they come on only when people
are detected.
7. If your premises have interior lights that have significant light spill to the exterior, then you should use blinds or curtains so as to minimise the effect.

How to Join
Firstly, you will need to state how closely your home or business complies with the seven clauses of the Dark Sky Friendly Charter, as well as list all exterior lights on the property. Compliance with most of the seven dark sky friendly clauses will be required, as well as a lighting plan to improve any deficiencies over time.
We will then review the exterior lighting, ensuring in particular that lights shine downwards, that they are mainly light types that emit warm yellow-white light, and that lights are off when they are not needed at night.